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Member's display DEFIINVESTGROUP UK Defi Invest Group

defiinvestgroup UK
DEFI INVEST Group is a specialist designer and manufacturer for custom specified temperatures sensors. Special assemblies can be supplied against an existing model probe, a customer drawing or a written specification. In the area of development conception and manufacture, we use the most up-to-date technologies that guarantee flexibility and speed. New machinery or process may require a new design of temperature sensor. DEFI INVEST can undertake such requirements. Advice is freely available on the best choice of sensor types, probe material termination method and installation technique to best suit the process.

14 ads published by Defiinvestgroup UK

Retail Retail wholesale Wholesale
Luxembourg L-5367 Equipment goods
Thermocouples cable

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Quantity : under cons - Price : under sonsultation

Extension Cable : this cable nature is the same as the respective thermocouples conductors. It is show of by an “X” following the thermocouple type. Compensation Cable : his cable nature is different from the thermocouple. Different alloy could be used for the same type of thermocouple...

Defi Invest Group

Retail Retail wholesale Wholesale
Luxembourg L-5367 Equipment goods
Surface temperature probe

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quantity : under con - Price : under consultation

surface temperature probe with head for pipe, cable for pipe, hose clip for pipe Location : 52 rue principale, L-5367 Schuttrange, Contact : Arnaud LIBERAL, +352 69 17 32 609

Defi Invest Group

Retail Retail wholesale Wholesale
Luxembourg L-5367 Equipment goods

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quantity : under cons - Price : under consultation

For applications in corrosive environment, we can make coatings according to the fluid or gas temperature: teflon PTFE coating, Halar or Tantalum coating, stellit (abrasion resistant) ... According to the applications, there are two manufacturing processes : Welded sheath for standard...

Defi Invest Group

Retail Retail wholesale Wholesale
Luxembourg L-5367 Equipment goods
Thermocouples pt100 - pt1000

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quantity : under cons - Price : under consultation

Sensor plastic head or stainless steel head. Sensor can be manufactured with different types of process connection (screw, sanitary SMS, Clamp, DIN or sliding connector) Sensor with connector (lemo, jupiter, socapex, jeager, DIN 43956, M12 ... ) RTD or thermocouple can be realized...

Defi Invest Group

Retail Retail wholesale Wholesale
Luxembourg L-5367 Equipment goods
Thermocouple with connection

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quantity : under cons - Price : under consultation

thermocouple with both standard and miniature connector, possibility of mineral insulated, exposed weld. Location : 52 rue principale, L-5367 Schuttrange, Contact : Arnaud LIBERAL, +352 69 17 32 609

Defi Invest Group

Retail Retail wholesale Wholesale
Luxembourg L-5367 Equipment goods
Probe of atmosphere

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quantity : under cons - Price : under consultation

probe of atmosphere : outside, refrigerated, industrial, cable with case of junction or industrial case. HVAC sensor with display power supply Location : 52 rue principale, L-5367 Schuttrange, Contact : Arnaud LIBERAL, +352 69 17 32 609

Defi Invest Group

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To contact this display owner : defiinvestgroup UK
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